Monday, June 27, 2022



Dislike 1

4-Usability catastrophe; imperative to fix

Craigslist is one of the most visited websites in the world. It does not have any pictures, logos, or banners.

Heuristics #2 Match between system and the real world. The design does not follow and correspond with natural mapping

Heuristics #7 This website has no flexibility and efficiency of use- It needs customization so users can navigate through the products.






Dislike 2

3- Major Usability Problem

Great web design but the graphics will slow downloading.

Heuristics # 8 Aesthetic and minimalist design. Making sure you are keeping the content and visual designed focused on the essentials. Ensure that the visual elements of the interface support the user’s primary goals. Don’t let unnecessary elements distract users from information really needed.











Dislike 3

1-Cosmetic Problem

Color scheme is very unpleasant. The usability and navigation are fine. Sharp incompatible colors, overloaded side bar. When scrolling the logos stay on the screen instead of disappearing.

Heuristic #7  Flexibility and efficiency of use provide personalization by tailoring content, allow for customization so uses can make selections.

Heuristic # 4 Consistency and standards-maintain consistency with a single product internal and external.













Heuristic# 4 Consistency and standards

 Rate 0=This not a usability problem

This website is one of my favorites and very user friendly if falls under all consistency and standard with the ability and easy to use. This consistency meets customers’ expectations. It follows all guidelines and platform and industry conventions.












Heuristic# 4 Consistency and standards

 Rate 0=This not a usability problem

This website is one of my favorites and very user friendly if falls under all consistency and standard with the ability and easy to use. This consistency meets customers’ expectations. It follows all guidelines and platform and industry conventions.













Heuristic# 4 Consistency and standards

 Rate 0=This not a usability problem

This website is one of my favorites and very user friendly if falls under all consistency and standard with the ability and easy to use. This consistency meets customers’ expectations. It follows all guidelines and platform and industry conventions.


Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Week 2 Discussion
UX Observation

Screenshot #1
This website shows no proper feedback on how to track you order. The message states to send you to another website. This does not display the Visibility of System Status or feedback to the user as soon as possible. Rate 3-major usability problem

Screenshot #2
This website uses words and phrases that are no user friendly. These terms are unfamiliar which is not a Match between system and the real world.
Rate 3- Major usability problem

Screenshot #3
Interface does not align, failed attempt for aligned design. Layout is not formal.
Rate 4- usability catastrophe; imperative to fix

                                                           Screenshot #4
                               User control and Freedom the ability to Cancel, Redo, Undo, Back buttons. On this                     app there is no way for the user to move back to the flights. You have to search all over                           again for flights, Also, using this app myself there is no indicator that tell you where you                         baggage claim area is. Rate 2- Minor usability problem

Screenshot #5
Consistency and Standards
Google used the first set of initial icons which they had a consistent visual style but now have been 
changed which is really hard to determine the style. Now the size is smaller than it use to be.

Rate 0- Really not a usability problem

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Week 1 Discussion Web vs. Mobile Applications

 To compare web applications to mobile applications is not complicated. Both are easy to access depends on your location and what item you have to use for the applications. Web app updated themselves and must be use with active internet, but the mobile app had to be told to update. The mobile app moves faster and has more efficiency when in need of information. Apps can be downloaded to a smartphone or tablet, where it is not accessible on the internet. Push notifications can also be send to customers for reminders or promotions. What this means for the future is people will accept the mobile over websites because of how fast the content loads, with user-friendly capabilities. For the present and the future mobile app will take over. No one is riding around with a PC or laptop with them trying to locate Wi-Fi to get on a website. When a person can download or check into what they need from the app. The future of mobile applications is already in use, At my home I control the lights, my thermostat, TV and alarm system using an app.

 Responsive web development is an approach that creates dynamic changes to the appearances of a website, depending on size and orientation of the device being use to review it. App development is the creation of application programs that reside on remote servers and are delivered to the user's device over the internet. From a designer point of view an web development would be easier because the design has web-based projects were they can program to develop applications for users to engage in it as a users, developing with simple click actions.

Monday, May 30, 2022

 Week 1 Reading Summary

Basic of User Experience and Methods

The user experience has to be knowledgeable and understanding to what the user needs. By having useful and desirable content which makes the experience easy to navigate through. The content must be functional for the user. So the user will be convince in what products, items or content you are delivering.

To build this experience one must have a certain strategic way to construct the user experience. The major  areas in developing the experiences is project management which is planning and organizing the project with a team of people. Content strategy leans towards formatting content that is useful.

In going through methods there are website requirements. These are characteristics, functions, and capabilities connected to developing the website.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Week 2 User Research and User interview


A user design focuses on the interaction between real human users and everyday products and services, such as websites, apps. The experience with interface, physical interaction, and graphics is what the user is most impressed about it.  These  elements are to determine how a user feels while interacting with a product.  The user experience. Also, how easy it is to navigate through a website.

These accusations were coined by Donald Norman in the early nineties.  A bad user experience maybe if you were shopping for bracelets online. There hundreds of  bracelets on the website and all of them are different prices, but you have no option to sort the from low to high. So you end up trying to look at all of them. Or when you click on a particular bracelet and you click the back button and it puts you all the way back to the top of the list of bracelets.

With the interview process you can find out what designs and actions need to be taken in designing a website that is user friendly.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Summary of Reading

Communication between the the user and the object. We want to get user to rate the communication with our product on a scale. We want to know what the want from the product or site. How they interact with the site. The design of how things work.  Or how they are controlled within the usage. When the design does not meet the qualifying standards, the design is not usable.

    We have to optimize a channel of communication in order to make the experience of using the object pleasurable. Putting the humans needs are very important to know. We  have to break the steps down: empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test. Human psychology is a critical element when working with devices. Sometimes being nervous can make you think your device, app, or website isn't working properly. It could simply be the user being anxious. That's why we have to evaluate ourselves and the user for these complications.

Also, how the user interacts and relates to the site.  Dislike 1 4-Usability catastrophe; imperative to fix Craigslist is one of the most visite...