Monday, June 27, 2022



Dislike 1

4-Usability catastrophe; imperative to fix

Craigslist is one of the most visited websites in the world. It does not have any pictures, logos, or banners.

Heuristics #2 Match between system and the real world. The design does not follow and correspond with natural mapping

Heuristics #7 This website has no flexibility and efficiency of use- It needs customization so users can navigate through the products.






Dislike 2

3- Major Usability Problem

Great web design but the graphics will slow downloading.

Heuristics # 8 Aesthetic and minimalist design. Making sure you are keeping the content and visual designed focused on the essentials. Ensure that the visual elements of the interface support the user’s primary goals. Don’t let unnecessary elements distract users from information really needed.











Dislike 3

1-Cosmetic Problem

Color scheme is very unpleasant. The usability and navigation are fine. Sharp incompatible colors, overloaded side bar. When scrolling the logos stay on the screen instead of disappearing.

Heuristic #7  Flexibility and efficiency of use provide personalization by tailoring content, allow for customization so uses can make selections.

Heuristic # 4 Consistency and standards-maintain consistency with a single product internal and external.













Heuristic# 4 Consistency and standards

 Rate 0=This not a usability problem

This website is one of my favorites and very user friendly if falls under all consistency and standard with the ability and easy to use. This consistency meets customers’ expectations. It follows all guidelines and platform and industry conventions.












Heuristic# 4 Consistency and standards

 Rate 0=This not a usability problem

This website is one of my favorites and very user friendly if falls under all consistency and standard with the ability and easy to use. This consistency meets customers’ expectations. It follows all guidelines and platform and industry conventions.













Heuristic# 4 Consistency and standards

 Rate 0=This not a usability problem

This website is one of my favorites and very user friendly if falls under all consistency and standard with the ability and easy to use. This consistency meets customers’ expectations. It follows all guidelines and platform and industry conventions.


Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Week 2 Discussion
UX Observation

Screenshot #1
This website shows no proper feedback on how to track you order. The message states to send you to another website. This does not display the Visibility of System Status or feedback to the user as soon as possible. Rate 3-major usability problem

Screenshot #2
This website uses words and phrases that are no user friendly. These terms are unfamiliar which is not a Match between system and the real world.
Rate 3- Major usability problem

Screenshot #3
Interface does not align, failed attempt for aligned design. Layout is not formal.
Rate 4- usability catastrophe; imperative to fix

                                                           Screenshot #4
                               User control and Freedom the ability to Cancel, Redo, Undo, Back buttons. On this                     app there is no way for the user to move back to the flights. You have to search all over                           again for flights, Also, using this app myself there is no indicator that tell you where you                         baggage claim area is. Rate 2- Minor usability problem

Screenshot #5
Consistency and Standards
Google used the first set of initial icons which they had a consistent visual style but now have been 
changed which is really hard to determine the style. Now the size is smaller than it use to be.

Rate 0- Really not a usability problem

 Dislike 1 4-Usability catastrophe; imperative to fix Craigslist is one of the most visite...