Thursday, November 5, 2020

Week 2 User Research and User interview


A user design focuses on the interaction between real human users and everyday products and services, such as websites, apps. The experience with interface, physical interaction, and graphics is what the user is most impressed about it.  These  elements are to determine how a user feels while interacting with a product.  The user experience. Also, how easy it is to navigate through a website.

These accusations were coined by Donald Norman in the early nineties.  A bad user experience maybe if you were shopping for bracelets online. There hundreds of  bracelets on the website and all of them are different prices, but you have no option to sort the from low to high. So you end up trying to look at all of them. Or when you click on a particular bracelet and you click the back button and it puts you all the way back to the top of the list of bracelets.

With the interview process you can find out what designs and actions need to be taken in designing a website that is user friendly.

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